How to Fix Up Your House Since You’re Not Going Anywhere

How to Fix Up Your House Since You’re Not Going Anywhere

Normally, with summer right around the corner, we’d be planning our summer vacation trips and activities. Unfortunately, 2020 has thrown a wrench into everyone’s plans. For the foreseeable future, we’ll be spending most of our time at home. Why not use that time to fix up your house, since you’re going to be spending so much time there? Here are some easy ways to fix up your house without breaking the budget, since we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

Update Your Paint

Is there anything better than the look of a fresh coat of paint? Whether you’re updating your bedroom, your living room or any other room in your home, spend a weekend giving it a fresh coat of paint. If you’re doing things yourself, painting a room will set you back between $100-300 — less if you already have the paint or other supplies lying around your house because you’ve been meaning to paint but kept putting it off.

Make sure you tape off anything that you don’t want to paint and don’t cut corners — remove things like outlet plates and light fixtures to keep them clean. This will provide you with a much cleaner look overall.

Replace Your Fixtures

We’re not just talking about faucets here. When was the last time you replaced your doorknobs or cabinet handles to create a clean, matching set? For most people, the answer is probably never, so now is the perfect opportunity to start replacing things.

For most replacements, all you need is a screwdriver to remove the screws on the existing fixtures and attach the new ones. While you’re at it, replace the screws in the strike plates for your exterior doors to improve security and make it harder to break into your home.

Clean Your Gutters

If you’ve got trees around your home, clogged gutters are a fact of life. Instead of letting them dump water around your foundation, why not climb up on the roof and clean them out, since you’re going to be home for a while? All you need is a ladder to get you up there, a gutter scoop and a hose with a spray nozzle to rinse the debris out once you’ve removed the clogs.

Make sure you’re wearing gloves to protect your hands. Not only are gutters a popular hangout for animals like squirrels and birds, but the thin aluminum or plastic could also easily cut your hands if you’re not careful.

Add Cork to Your Ceiling

This is a fun little project that can make a room feel cozy and rustic while doubling as soundproofing, which is ideal if you have upstairs neighbors. Line your ceiling with cork. This is a fairly simple DIY project because all you need to do is spread out some adhesive on the ceiling, roll out the cork, and secure the corners with nails.

If you’re renting and aren’t allowed to permanently affix things like cork to your ceiling or walls, you can accomplish the same look with Command strips that don’t damage the paint when you remove them.

Refresh Your Garage Door

If you’re like most homeowners, your garage door is probably the same color as the rest of your house. While this does help it blend in with the rest of your home, you’re missing out on an opportunity to use your garage as the perfect accent.

While you’re painting, why not pick up some outdoor paint and change the color of your garage to something that will accent the rest of your property? It can help your home stand out a little bit, which is nice if you’re stuck at home with nothing else to do.

Staying Home Doesn’t Have to Be Boring

None of us wants to stay home, especially now that the weather is starting to warm up, but right now staying in is the safest option. That doesn’t mean you have to sit around staring at the walls and twiddling your thumbs. Use this time to your advantage, and fix your home up while you’re staying in.

Eventually, things will go back to normal. When they do, would you rather have a list of projects left to complete, or be able to sit back and enjoy everything you did while you were stuck at home?


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