What I’m Working On…
No stitching happened this week. NONE.
I start back to childcare this week and am doing good enough to tackle a few jobs…well I actually got a lot of things crossed off my list. The tiny 1/2 bath in the basement got painted.
I got my mammogram done it was all clear. PLEASE schedule one if you haven’t gotten one recently. No, they aren’t fun but necessary.
Many of you long-time readers know I lost my precious niece Jody to breast cancer. She was in her late 40s and we all miss her so much.
I got my taxes done. If you’re a long-time blog reader you also know I HATE BOOKWORK so for me to have this done is a miracle. I even went on and have all of the 2022 bookwork completely up to date. GO ME!!
I did a few small projects like fixing this up with Restor-a-finish.
I went through and… tidied the two spare rooms. I did all of the laundry for the quilts and sheets and changed out the quilts.
On Friday I was the guest host of the Instagram account of All People Quilt. Oh my…that was a challenge for me. They wanted me to do 3-5 posts a day. Thankfully Karl and Kalissa helped me. I can post something on Instagram but I know nothing about doing “stories”. I’m an old dog and just terrible about learning new tricks. The hosting job actually was on for the whole weekend.
I ended up doing a lot of quick little videos and Karl and Kalissa posted them. Here I talked a little bit about my double wedding ring quilt that still needs to be machine quilted. That’s one thing I didn’t get done over the week.
I had family here all weekend. Here’s Georgie with Eli in the background.
Craig, our daughter Kalissa’s husband, was so sweet and fixed my pull-out bin in my cabinet. I filled it too full and the grocery bags got behind it and the drawer wouldn’t shut right. Craig had lots of helpers.
Eli and Emmett were here. The two of them don’t look alike at all. Eli is a bugger about keeping his glasses on. Kelli got a new strap for him and it’s going better. Both of them are pulling themselves up and walking around furniture.
We all joked at lunchtime that soon we’ll have to get a little kids’ table with a “leaf” in it as there are so many kids!! We’ve finally hit the point with the kids that they are all getting along. It’s such a blessing. No crying…lots of sharing and more playing together is so fun to see. I love seeing them joyfully hugging each other, completely unprompted when they get together.
In fact, the kids were so good that the adults got to try out a new game, Scythe. This isn’t an easy board game to learn to play. Craig and Karl play all of the time. Buck and I have never played. There is a big learning curve to it but I’m trying to learn to play simply because Karl loves it so much. I bought the game for Karl for his birthday and he hasn’t looked back since. He says it was the best birthday present ever!
If you are a board game person, Karl explains it as The Settlers of Catan with Chess included. I’d agree.
Sunday I talked the boys into helping me clean the garage. Kramer was a terrible person at organizing. TERRIBLE. He had many amazing qualities but being organized was not one of them. I go out to the garage to get something or think I want to work on a project and just cry. It’s so hard because I can’t find a thing. It was such a mess.
I told the boys that I’d be so much happier if they would help me go through stuff. I seriously have no idea why I need 30 weight oil. I have no idea if I need a rivotor. They helped me sort much of it out. I’m so relieved.
We did have a HUGE laugh when we came upon this magazine. Notice where it says “Super Simple Garage Storage”. Kramer never latched onto the idea.
We ended up with a box of tools and stuff we didn’t want…
We put other stuff out on the curb too.
I ended up giving it all away…
Every garbage can in the house is overflowing too. I feel so much better about the garage now. There are places to work and I can actually find things. YAHOO!
So…I’m a little sad that I didn’t sew a single stitch this week but I am jumping for joy that so many things got done. What a relief to be able to check so many things off the list…but it’s 8:20 pm on Sunday night as I write this and I am totally pooped. I’ll work this week to try to get to bed earlier…
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